Slow website? It may not have enough memory

In this fast paced impatient world, a slow website can kill your business. People don’t like to wait for pages to load. They want the information now. I have already written about the importance of choosing a good host for your website. I have also recommended the implementation of CloudFlare. But there is another factor which many people often overlook. Sometimes a slow website just needs some more memory. The default memory allocation for WordPress is 40 megabytes. Unless you… Read More

Why is my WordPress website slow? It might be your host.

One of the most common requests that I receive here at Maneo is troubleshooting a slow WordPress website. Addressing this issue is often troublesome because there can be many reasons for poor WordPress performance. Too many plugins, too many large images, and poorly designed WordPress themes are just a few of the potential causes. Usually, I will recommend: Reducing the size of header, background, and gallery images in your WordPress installation. Compressing CSS, JS, and text using GZIP (I have… Read More