Why No Captcha Recaptcha MIGHT be bad for business

Before I start hearing from all of the haters I want to point out that what I am about to share is in no way scientific. I have not actually proved that a No Captcha Recaptcha problem truly exists or that it kills business. I can only tell you what I have experienced this past weekend while I was advertising through Google Adwords. The No Captcha Recaptcha problem on my website Two of my landing pages on this website are… Read More

WordPress WP Ecommerce vs. WooCommerce

I have been working on a website this week that makes use of the WP Ecommerce plugin. When I first started on this website, it was extremely slow which was why I was asked to investigate. After deactivating the plugins one-by-one, I discovered that the WP Ecommerce plugin was the culprit. The website contains more than 1400 products,hundreds of variations, and almost 100 categories. I ran some diagnostics  and discovered that the site is producing some very slow MySQL queries, some of… Read More